Juni 20th, 2016 by lipomaster16
The HYPOXI-training program for Lipoedema
Those affected by lipoedema are well aware of the problems:
Painful and unpleasant swellings on thighs and lower legs, quite often also on upper arms and lower arms. This is a chronic disorder of the adipose tissue with water retentions which often causes severe pain when being touched or when moving those affected parts.
Affected women report that neither diets nor sports brought about any improvement to their situation. Such women are under high psychological strain and for different reasons most of them hesitate to undergo operative treatments which often seem to be the only alternative.
Here we report of an innovative method which may be able to help also you as person concerned:
Read here and in further postings about 8 women suffering from lipoedema of different severity levels. The ladies take part in a 4-month training program for targeted fat reduction on the affected areas in connection with an alleviation of symptoms. The training program takes place in an authorized HYPOXI®-studio.
What is HYPOXI®?
The HYPOXI®-method for targeted and effective figure forming focuses right on the problem zones. With HYPOXI-training® the lymphatic system is also effectively supported by the intensification of the general blood circulation and by the activation of the metabolism. This results in a more beautiful silhouette and in a firmer skin but also in a significant pain relief from lipoedema.
Our 8 affected participants are attended during their HYPOXI®-training program by Dr. Manuel Cornely, head of „CG Lympha, the Surgery for Operative Lymphology“ at the hospital „St. Hildegards“ in Cologne (Germany). Before start of the program Mister Cornely medically examined all participants and at the end of the study he will evaluate the results.
Posted in Lipödem Trainingsprogramm Tagged with: HYPOXI, legs, lipedemia, lipoedema, lymphatic system, suffering